Burn baby burn: 10 quick calorie burning tips


We all know that in order to maintain or lose weight, we have to  make sure to avoid a calorie surplus – consuming more calories than you burn. Every calorie counts, so the following are ten quick tips to increase your calorie output, practically!

1. Take the stairs: This not only will make you burn more calories but probably saves you time waiting for lift.

2. Park further away. Rather than spending minutes looking for that perfect parking spot, take what you can get and walk the rest!

3. Wash your own car! Burns calories and saves you money too.

4. Shopping. Yeah walking around the mall burns calories. Lifting bags also works your arms and shoulders. But sorry, it won’t help you save money.

5. Make love. 15 minutes burns about 100 calories - but don’t just lie there, you gotta work it.

6. Dance. A night out with the girls or guys is a great way to relax and exercise.

7. Housekeeping. Give the maid a rest and get your butt off the couch! Cleaning your house will make you sweat.

8. Eat small but frequently. Eating 5-6 times per day raises your metabolism, making you burn more calories.

9. Chew chew chew. Chewing gum (sugar free if possible) exercises the jaw, burning more calories. To top it all off, it also keeps your breath minty fresh.

10. Laughter. 10-15 minutes of laughter burns about 50 calories. So be happy and laugh out loud.

Sumber : http://news.mylaunchpad.com.my/lifestyle/health

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